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You are viewing Cheat Codes for Need For Speed 2: Special Edition System : PC - Windows Date Added : 2002-07-09 20:50:29 Views : 17945 Cheat : Turbo boost During a race, hold H. Night mode While the race is loading, hold N. Note: This code is not available in the 3Dfx version. Drive through barriers Start a game in simulation mode on the Mediterraneo or the Mystic Peaks track with the McLaren F1. Then, drive in reverse during the race while constantly blaring the horn. Hit any moveable object, except a sign, at 60 mph to enable the cheat. Then, hit any guard rail, bridge, or other barrier over 80 mph to jump off the track. Additional camera views While the screen is blank before the track appears, press C + B + [Right Shift] six times. Press C + B + [Right Shift] six times again when the view zooms towards the starting line. Now a total of nine different camera views may be selected. Heavier car After setting a track record, enter "silspd" as a name. Cheat Codes Enter one of the following codes at any screen: tombstone = Daytona car bomber = Bomber BFS car fzr2000 = FZR 2000 car red = racer Ford Indigo slip = Slow motion pioneer = Pioneer engine roadrage = Beep horn to crash opponent hollywood = Monolithic studio track madland = Different colors kcjones = Multicolor car and horizon [Note 1] chase = Chase mode mad = Smoking cow tires [Note 1] slot = Slot car mode [Note 2] rain = Rain mode [Note 3] rexrage = Dinosaur traffic vip = Limousine traffic schoolzone = School bus traffic rushhour = Increased traffic go[18 - 51] = Various objects go18 = School bus [Note 4] go19 = Pickup go21 = Truck go23 = Blue Sedan go27 = Green VW go28 = Grey convertible go31 = Mercedes Unimog army truck go33 = Yellow snow truck go34 = Tram go35 = Limousine go40 = Crate go41 = Hand cart go42 = Wooden stand go43 = Tyrannosaurus Rex go44 = Wild West wagon go45 = Souvenir stand go46 = Souvenir stand go47 = News stand go48 = Log go49 = Crate 1 go50 = Beer box go51 = Rock Note 1: 3Dfx version only Note 2: A "Slot" option will be available under the player car menu in arcade or wild mode. Cars will automatically make turns in this mode. Note 3: Rain will appear on Proving Grounds and Mystic Peaks tracks. Not available in the 3Dfx version. Note 4: go18, 20, 22, 24, 25, 29, 30, 32, 37, 38, and 39 also enable the school bus. Not enough codes for you? Search for more cheats at cheat codes club. Or simply Click here to find more Need For Speed 2: Special Edition cheat codes.
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